Ok, I will take it one step at a time. Slowly.
I wont try to solve all of my problems at once.
From the "Just For Today" verse present on my Quotes page, these parts of it are relevant to me right now:
Just For Today
Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once.
Just for today, I will be happy.
Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.
Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, keep my voice low, be courteous.
Just for today, I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.
Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all by myself, and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.
Just for today, I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful.
Basically I have to plan and solve all problems slowly.
I will take it more slowly than I earlier planned.
Here is plan for the first week:
- I will maintain a daily schedule - of getting up early. Getting to job early. Not think too much. Ok I am deficient. But I will consider that I am not deficient for a while. I will try to think what I really want to think, and not think about what others are thinking about me. I will assume that I am happy, and ok, not that bad.
Ok again, this is expanding to include a lot of things.
I will try to make it simple so it is achievable.
I will only do this this weekend:
- Get up early. Come to work on time. Concentrate on work. Dont think much about anything else. You dont have to talk to all people. Just concentrate on work. Eat nice lunch with some people in the company. Get back and concentrate on work. Finish work. Go home, eat dinner. Watch TV. Read for half an hour the meditation book. And then sleep nicely.
Dont think much about anything. Just concentrate on these basic things. Dont worry. Just dont think. This week, I will not be enforcing what I have to think about and how I have to think about. I am just telling that NOT think much about anything. That should be easier to do. Just dont think much. Dont think about any other problems. I will get back to my problems on Thursday evening to keep track of progress.
Ok lets keep this day fixed. Every thursday evening, I will sit down and see what progress I have made in solving the problems, and make a plan for the coming week. On other days, I wont think much about the problems and how will I solve them. I will just take it easy.
The keyword is Just take it easy. And then lets see how it goes on Thursday evenings. I am not telling you to be happy or anything. I am just telling you to not to think much about any problems or any things. Just keep it easy.
Ok Bye.