
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Monday, August 09, 2004


everywhere everybody is feeling disappointed with me. Everbody is asking - he should have atleast done this, why didnt he?

not able to meet everybody's expectations

friends asking for replies to emails, some very important emails, not able to give

familty asking to remain in touch, do certain things, take care of my life, ... a lot of things.. able to meet none..

company ppl expecting to me to do the job well...not doing it...

different people in different areas of my life are expecting something from me, and I havent been able to meet any of that.

I have become a complete failure in life.


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