American Values
Nice page from Changing Minds Website:
American values
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American values
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Changing minds looks like an interesting site. Thanks. If only it was easy to change the minds and perspectives of people responsible for the bomb blasts in Delhi.
Posted by: Hiren shah | October 30, 2005 3:31 AM
I completely understand your contempt for the people responsible for the bomb blasts in Delhi.
Since time immemorial, we humans have been fighting each other for our various biological and psychological needs.
I believe that negotiations should be able to solve or mitigate all problems, thought I understand that it is practically difficult to implement.
Hmm. You raised an important point -- this pscyhological research should be used to avoid conflicts. I beleive I saw one such book earlier in a library -- on conflict avoidance... probably based on psychology.
Posted by: Gaurang | November 3, 2005 8:42 PM