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April 30, 2002


I was not feeling good not blogging this mail.

I have to complete a term paper by the morning 8. This is 4:39am. Then i will sleep for 3 hours, and begin studying Compilers for which the finals is at 7pm.
Then after the finals, i will go home and sleep for 3-4hours. And then come back and start working on the 565 project. It will take 3 days, with 18 hours per day. Then after it becomes more tight.
I have 565 project demo.
Then I have to read 80 (!!!!!) research papers before the 555 finals on 7th, along with one BOOK for the finals on 6th of 581. This is even theoretically impossible if a day had aroun 80-90 hours.

What is required if I would like to avoid this the next semester is discipline, sincerity, regularity, ability to kill will and study class notes, etc.
I will try it next sem.

Bye for now.


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