Google search seems to be better than Yahoo
I had thought that Yahoo Search has improved a lot over past few months. But now I know: whatever Yahoo does, I think its going to be difficult for them to overtake Google in search excellence.
The brainy people at Google have put in such witty logic in the search, that search at Yahoo (even now) seems primitive.
Cases in point, that I encountered today:
- a search for MIT Stata Center showed that Yahoo gave wierd results. The link I wanted, Google had that right at the top. Even Clusty gave better results, even though it uses neither Google nor Yahoo.
- a search for Gaurang Bookmarks again defeats Yahoo. Even though Yahoo has crawled my updated website (as evident from it Cache output), and I have removed the link to and changed it to several weeks ago, it still gives the old link (and not the new link).
- Another search makes Yahoo give an erroneous link at the Number 3, which has been erroneous for several months now. Whereas Google had removed it only a few days after it became erroneous. Btw, its not exactly erroneous, I dont know how google managed to figure that out.
Google's search logic is so clever that it gives the eerie feeling of artifical intelligence sometimes.
No wonder, why Google is the most popular search tool today.
Yahoo is Very Good, but Google is Excellent.