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April 6, 2005

Thoughts, ideas, thoughts about ideas

When we discuss about ideas, we dont discuss "only the ideas". There is a lot of invisible baggage that is controlling the whole discussion.

For example, we dont talk about an idea because we are so concerned about it that we dont care for our own well being... our own life...our own life path...We talk about it, because talking about that idea fits in our life path. And the life path is that which is more important here.

When we talk with somebody, we dont talk because we are so interested in talking about whatever we are talking about... but we only talk because it fits into our path.

I do not mean to say that this is wrong... because, in fact, the better our ability to find what our path is and to find what activites and people help us traverse it more capably, the better our ability to enrich our life, and thus a better ability to be happy and content.

The problem is that our going in that path does not help the resolution of the idea or the point of discussion. Since ideas are separate from our lives, they live in an abstract, mathematical world, where biology, humans, psychology dont mean much. We can almost say that ideas exists in a parallel world. To explore them, we dont need people who can live bettter, but we need people who can separate themselves from themselves...who can rise above themselves into a world of logical connections and logical being.

Whether it is important is another matter. But thats the point itself -- in the world of ideas - the importance of anything is not measured in terms of importance to us, but, essentially, in that world, importance in regular terms is almost irrelevant.

This dichotomy between the biological existence and origins of the thinker, and the abstract existence of the thoughts, manifests itself in myriad situations.



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» Reply to "Thoughts, ideas and thoughts on ideas" from Stormwind: Personal Tangents
I believe you are right in that there is nothing we do or think that does not contain all the elements of where we have been, and all the things that make up who we might be in this moment. But I am not so sure that ideas exist without the thinker or... [Read More]



you make it sound like ideas are parasites that attach themselves to a human 'host' for their own inhuman (and inhumane) purposes. I think ideas arise more out of our human situation, and if they don't speak to that situation, they aren't worth much. The fact that we can relate ideas to our life path says that there is some kind of symbiosis, that the idea has a life, and we have a life, and together they form a kind of marriage or relationship, a form of life unto itself. I wouldn't separate ideas from our biological existence, but I would say they are very much a part of it. How could an idea live apart from an organic connection with the thinker? I am often afraid that technology will follow a logic trajectory apart from human concerns, and leave us behind completely...the idea of 'singularity'...but doesn't intelligence need some kind of human context in order to think? How can you have 'thought' apart from 'feeling'...they must contain, at least to a degree, elements of the other.

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