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January 19, 2005

The path

We follow a path. We find that path through our experience -- based on our family, what our parents tell us, what we communicated with siblings, and friends, and people around. The path is slowly building. The path shows the way we are supposed to live life, the things that we are supposed to do, the future that we are supposed to create. It gets molded slowly and slowly. Many times we are not even consciously aware that this thing is happenning. Then when we are big enough, i.e. have reached the age where the surrounding society expects us to come up with our own decisions, thats when we slow down the development of the path, and instead start "using" that path to find future directions, to find how the path extrapolates, to find how the path fits in with circumstances, to find a future which is most in harmony with our envisioned path.

The existence of the path is a definition of life. That, what has a path, is alive. Our likes, dislikes, choices, decisions are external manifestations of the path. In essence, making a choice, reaffirms the fact that we are alive and kicking.

(Similar past post: On Human Behavior)

This is when friends come in. This is when hatred comes in.

We judge sometimes that some person is totally incompatible with our path, he is just un-understandable, given our path's assumptions and postulates. That time, we look away from him. Nothing is wrong here, not the person who we look away from (since his path is different, he had different parents, he had different upbringing, he looked at a different part of society, all this does not make his path inferior than yours), nor your act of looking away (since in order for you to follow a path well, you will need to dislike elements that tend to throw you off it, and secondly, this looking away act tries to get in the Social Darwinism effect into the works, where the fitness of a particular path is determined by how well a person can live in it while throwing off all elements that do not align well with that path).

Friends help us find and cement our path for better, or rather we choose our friends such.

When sometimes, we dont have the path clear in our mind, or our path has not been well defined, we tend to wander around. That time, if we do a job, or any task, which we later find that is not somehow aligning well with our path, we become dis-satisfied. Thats what we measure as "job satisfaction". When our job satisfaction goes low, we understand that this does not fit us, this does not fit what we want to do.

Thats when is a time, for us to step back, and look at the bigger picture. To look from where we come from, and where we are headed, and where we want to head.


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