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January 22, 2005

Own culture

As I might have said before, I think that following your own culture is one of the best ways to solve dilemmas.

Because of the combinatorial explosion that happens -- there are so many ways that a person can behave and do -- that it almost becomes impossibe to make decisions, to choose between so many alternatives, by reason alone. Something more powerful, some more powerful support and help is needed. That help can come from the whole gigantic mass of knowledge that has been built up since time immemorial. That help can come from what your parents tell you, what your culture tells you, what people with similar background as yours tell you, and from what in general people suggest.

This help is so mighty that it is very difficult for thought and reason alone to conquer it -- this help is so important that ignoring can bring trouble sooner than we realize.

What I now feel is that what I should do in life, is things I have seen during my childhood, things that were followed in my house, things that my siblings and relatives did, things that have tried and tested and proven in my culture. Going around, and using reason to solve matters and coming up with optimal solutions and ways isnt practically realizable.

A couple of examples here: For example, which time schedule do I follow? Shall I sleep in the day and wake up in night? Or vice versa? How do I reason this out? What about the timings? What about civic manners? What about having a bath, having major meals two times a day? What about fulfilling what your parents have unconsciously, symbolically, unvoluntarily, imposed upon you -- the ways of life?

Since however, cultures become old, and what your parents teach you, might not be aplicable to today's world.



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