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October 31, 2002

Development from world education perspective


1. Due to 16, 18, 19, 3 and 7, the best universities in the world are in the US and England; with the best faculty. In other words, the US and England are very strong in academic proficiency. (england is very small as compared to the US; so i am feeling lazy to type in England everytime, will just type US - representing both)

2. PROPERTY: Academic proficiency is related to better educated individuals, and therefore better development for the country in general. More ideas come out of educated individuals, more innovative products and technologies are launched, the economy is boosted. More income per capita, better standard for living, and more money available for research.

3. Better academic proficiency in the US (from 1) led to better development and more research money (from 2). This now helps 1 further.

4. PROPERTY: Talent attracts talent.

5. After 1 and 3, due to 1 and 4 and 8, the best students from all countries, attracted by the talented faculty, come to the US to study, increase their knowledge and increase their skills. Hence the students in the departments here in the US are very talented.

6. After 5, many of the students here who are very skilled academically and want to remain in the academia, realize that their talent now cannot be utilized in their home country, remain here in the US. Some go back. Rest go in the industry here and back. Now there is one peculiarity: the probablity of the going back of bright students is roughly directly proportional to their country's academic proficiency. (it makes sense)

7. After 6, the talented students who choose to remain here add to the faculty here, this results in sustainence of very talented faculty, strong and best. Reinforces 1.

8. After 7, the students who were good and had gone back tell the students there that the universities in the US are very good. And the students there see the accomplishments of the people here in the US (which happen due to 1). The US Universities market themselves using their accomplishments and strong faculty. This is one of the cause of 5.

9. After 8, slowly the students who decide to go back accumulate in other countries. The rate of accumulation is proportional to the country's academic proficiency, due to 6.

10. After 9, the accumulation mentioned in 9 causes their own schools in their country to begin to have strong departments with talented, skilled faculty. This first makes their undergraduate department strong at selected schools. Then other schools. Then the graduate departments at selected schools. Then other schools. This rate of development in academic proficiency is proportional to their current academic proficiency as mentioned in 6.

11. After 10, due to 10 and 2, the other countries start to develop. The development is proportional to their current development - from 2 and 6. As their academic proficiency increases, the number of people coming to the US to study decreases. At a point all the other countries develop to the "Developed" stage, in order of their current development state. The whole world becomes developed and academic proficient!

12. After 11, due to 11, the world stabilizes, except for minor flows of students hither-thither. For most part, students study in their own country.

13. After 12, due to 12, due to high academic proficiency all over the world, research projects collaborations include intellect from all over the world. Big things, big ideas and big projects can now be made and designed, which are very difficult today. Like a mission to the stars, method to eternal life, world peace, artificial humans, teleportation, etc. The rate of development speeds very quickly. Inhabitation of other planets to counter increasing population and demand for resources.

14. FACT: The British people have some special ability in their genes, which may be probably adventure and/or shrewdness and/or a business mind.

15. In ancient times (a few hundred years ago), when the means to travel were developed, the Britishers, due to 14, conquered almost all of the world, and ruled over it. At one point of time, a known fact was - "The sun never sets on the British Empire". Because the British Empire was all around the world!

16. After 15, due to 15, their economic development grew by obtaining financial and labor benefits from the colonies they had conquered. Hence England became economically developed and rich.

17. FACT: US won 2 big world wars. It ran democracy and capitalism, the innovative concepts US itself pioneered, for 2 centuries. Had access to large amount of resources as compared to the population...the whole of United States. Had the same genes as the British.

18. Due to 17, by 1900-1950, the United States has good economic development and is rich.

19. PROPERTY: Economic development leads to good research money, and therefore stronger research in the university departments. People get time to do research and develop their skills and knowledge. Students get good opportunities early on in life, and develop their in-born talents, and therefore really become "talented" and "intelligent". They become good teachers too. Hence the faculty in university departments become strong. In other words, the country with economic development develops high academic proficiency.

1. Many other important factors which play in these scenarios - like maybe trade, commerce, politics, internet education, wars, etc. have been ignored above.
2. This has no use at all, it is a senseless waste of time. Dont read it.

by Gaurang Khetan (

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