October 2004 Archives
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October 17, 2004


[will update later]

You need to hear songs in the morning which replace your slumber with fresh enthusiasm -- enthusiasm to act and fight on, the energy to find love and beauty in all that surrounds you.

You need to hear songs in the evening which sooth you, and calm your energy down, and make you find happiness in reflection and patterns of life and its memories.

Similarly you need nurture in your childhood which do the same things as those morning songs do.

And you end up in the your ending life with the same things that evening songs leave you with.

The rest is just transportation.


October 15, 2004

considering others' ways' wrong?

To believe in your way of life -- does this require you to consider other's ways of life as bad?

Even if it doesnt directly, I think in some sense it does require you to do that. Maybe not to all others, but maybe to many!


October 13, 2004


Some people lead a successful life by looking right, some people lead a successful life by looking left, others do the same thing by looking anywhere in between.


October 3, 2004

Am I supposed to?

Here I am, searching for myself.

Am I supposed to go on and continue the cultural legacy of my parents and forefathers?

Am I supposed to be like friends?

Am I supposed to be like people around me here in the US?

Am I supposed to be like people in India?

Am I supposed to fulfill my father's and mother's expectations?

Am I supposed to fulfill my relatives' expectations?

Am I supposed to have my own desires and the desire to pursue them?

Am I supposed to be a studious, intellectual type - like the people I have seen in college and admired?

Am I supposed to be a very simple and down to earth - like the people I like to be with?

Am I supposed to be a businessman-like, uninterested-in-studies kind of person which most of my relatives are?

Am I supposed to be like my father, who is a very socially active and visible person?

Am I supposed to earn a lot of money, like what my ancestors and relatives did and are doing?

Am I supposed to be very religious, like some of ancestors were?

Am I supposed to just leave outside of society, like my mother's mother did?

Am I supposed to be God-loving, people-loving person that many people I like are?

Am I supposed to be like a professional who will mind his job and try to earn more skills to get a better respected job?

Am I supposed to earn money to keep our family going?

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