
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Understanding the boundaries between people is so important.

I have no understanding of this distance. Or I need to refine it a lot more.

How much I am for me, and how much I am for others.

For example, I like to talk to other people like they are my own,. Like I am them and they are me. I take their decisions and problems as my own. I try to solve their problems like my own.

This has both positives and negatives. Both them and me like when we both take their problems as ours. But then I also tend to take their decisions as something like mine. For this case, it usually works out since they understand my nature. But somtimes this is a big problem since even for new people I do this. So I tell them " no, you should do this, not that". This creates problems because they feel that I am stepping on their feet.

Its this distance. Its so difficult to find the correct distance . yeah.

The second negative is that I myself get clobberred. I am not able to do my own things , and not able to find time to keep myself happy. Most of the time I am solving others problems. In fact, I did not even think this way that "I am solving others problems" . Because all these problems appear to me as mine, the people appear to me as mine, so whats the problem. The problem is that maybe we as humans do not have enough time even theoretically to solve lot of problems besides our own. Maybe our society has not progressed enough that we have ample time besides fulfilling our own survival needs to give to others. Maybe it is the law of nature. Maybe it is the current state of society. Or maybe it is just me and my mismanagement, and my misefficiency.

Or maybe it just my immaturity.


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