
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

I actually am feeling stronger now.

I am not feeling very alone now.

I am talking with people.

People are helping me out. People are replying. Thanks a lot every body..... I mean this is the normal thanks... this is something real....something straight from my heart - Thanks.

Life is great.

There are a few more people that I want to talk to.

After I have talked with everybody about my depression, then I will be freer, and I will feel better.

And hopefully I will in a better shape of things than earlier, and I will learn how to relate with people, and have a better understanding of what life is about. :)

For those non-existent readers who are not reading the Thought Blog, I will link to a recent entry in that blog. This is one of those things which feels nice when read.



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