
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

some self notes (Incomplete)

Actually it is not necessary to find reasons for everything. When I see a person, I should not always try to reduce his behavior to patterns. I should not always try to find reasons or motivations for his behavior. I am getting distracted from the normal process. The normal process of looking from where you are -- just be where you are - and feel things - and feel about people - and form relationships. Imagine people as nice "people", and not nice "behavior generators".

BELIEVE in free will. Believe that people actually have a will, and can choose how to be.

BELIEVE in what you have learned since childhood. For example, if you like cricket, then dont say that "Oh it is just a pattern formed under these circumstances and surroundings, and it is satisfy this and this raw tendencies of a person." Instead say that "I like cricket. Lets watch it. Lets play it."


Actually my ego saying that - "See I have found out so different and so intelligent ways to look at life. See I exist. Though I am not able to convey my personality in practice, see I have one - you can look at my electronic life - emails, website, blogs. And see I am so smart and philosophical that I have found new ways of looking at life that generally nobody does. I am one of a kind. "

This ego hurts me a lot. I should just give up all this ego, and try looking at life believing that "I am just one of a kind of 6 billion people. I am common. I am the usual. I should follow others."

And also my masochistic tendencies hurt me the most. The egoistic tendency mentioned above is just one manifestation of my overwhelming masochistic tendency. Tendency of getting late deliberately. Not sleeping early. Not taking it easy.



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