
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Towards solving things

I think it is high time that I take action to solve my problems. These problems are affecting me a lot in all aspects.

I have to develop a concrete plan to a solution. And try hard to follow it.

These are the steps that I think of now:

1. Learn to be happy and content with yourself. Whatever you are, it does not matter. If you are dumb & dull, OK. Whatever you are, its really OK. Really. Be happy with what you are and what you have. You will find that you have so many good things that others dont have, you dont have any financial problem yet, you have all the limbs, you have a promising life to look forward to. You have so many nice people as friends and so nice family, and such a nice cultural setup. And you dont harm people. You are OK. OK. Really OK. You are OK.

2. Learn to take care of yourself. Think about yourself, and how you can improve your life and the life of others around you.

3. Learn to take care of friends and family.

4. Learn to subdue the whole lot of threads that you have running. Dont be restless. Be peaceful.

5. You know what, you can be likeable too. Yes, its hard to believe, but it is true. Really. It is really true that you can be likeable. I mean, really. Believe me. Try it out. It wont work immediately, but you can if you want to. You can be likeable. Even if you are not at this time, you can make changes to yourself to make yourself be. Believe me. Yes. You can be likeable. YES BELIEVE ME. REALLY. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. IT IS POSSIBLE. IT IS REALLY. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT FIRMLY BEFORE IT WILL BECOME TRUE. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE. HAVE FAITH. YES IT IS POSSIBLE.

6. Work hard. Dont let these problems affect you. Working is good. It is good for satisfaction for everybody's happiness around you. You cant change the structure of the society. You are not going to run away. You are in. You are in for good. You cant run away. And society wants you to be successful. Otherwise lot of people will get disappointed. You should concentrate on work and work hard.

7. Be disciplined. Get order in life.

8. Look at activities that can get you fun.

In my next post, I will form a plan and a schedule to enforce these things.



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