
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Inspirational Advise for me

This is something I wrote to cheer myself up from this mess:

Like yourself. Love yourself. You are not that bad. You are trying hard. You are not bad. You dont kill other people. I saw so many other people who are not as good as you are also likeable. Why not you?

You are okay. There are duller people, and there surely are dumber peple. You should just love yourself. You should keep yourself happy.

Be Happy dont worry.

Catch a piece of reality and stick with it. You got so confused with so many realities.

Remove all confusions. Remove all hesitations.

Be in the present - here right now.

Life is short. Life is short.
Life is short. Life is short.
Life is short. Life is short.
Life is short. Life is short.
Life is short. Life is short.
Life is short. Life is short.


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