
This blog is not linked from elsewhere on the site. This is a personal diary, where I will write things I wouldnt usually want to tell others. Based on introspection, they are a result of my struggle to cope up with my huge internal problems. For my worldly picture, look at my website and/or my thought blog and/or my commune blog.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

External Behavior 3

These are two of the external apparent social problems I have:

  1. Inconsistent, incoherent mental states:
    Okay lets define a mental state as a state of the mind which has a coherent set of memories, a coherent set of memory cache (the parts of the memory we consciously remember), a coherent set of things-to-do (depending on the time, place and the set of memories and desires), a coherent emotional mood based on these things. The problem with me is that I dont tend to remain in an appropriate, natural mental state. Since, for the fear of social rejection, I tend to simulate mental states in order to please others or be like others. This simulation is never even close to the real thing, and, for the onlooker I seem to incoherently hop from one mental state to another with no connection. This, I believe, will almost appear as madness to the onlooker. Apart from the one reason of fear of social rejection, the second reason for this to happen is that I tend to loose contact with the present, with my mind going to think along some non-sense instead of taking the effort to be present in the present.
  2. Re-editing like writing:
    I have gotten very used to the comfort of being able to "go back and redo" things. Like when I write, I re-read the sentence and try to improve it. So I never make the effort of getting it right the first time. I always know that I will re-read and correct it later, so anything that I actually end of writing is a result of 2 or 3 scans of the lines. This attitude has petered out into my real life as well. I am not present-minded at all, and whatever I do, is done in some sort of dream like state. Because I unconsciously feel that I will go back and redo this to make it final. But this never happens in real life. I sometimes have to email people saying stuff that I forgot to say or should have said in past situations. So I try my best to use the able-to-redo effect, but it works out only rarely.

Solution to these problems:
I will add this to the list of my plan:

9. Try to be here. Right here. Just be right here with this set of memories. You dont have to change that much. No need to change so much. Just try to just be here in the present, and act naturally. Relax. Act whatever normally comes out of you. (This will require a strong belief in yourself, which will be covered by earlier points in the plan - belief that you can be likeable, almost faith in it). Be spontaneous. Dont think that you can come back and redo this. You have to think everything right now, with whole heart, whole presence of mind, and whole decision making capability. Otherwise you will lag behind in life, you will always try to make older decisions, and your life will end soon. Take anything up and finish it off then and there. Think and decide there and there. Dont postpone the decision process. Do it right there and then.


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